“The yoga pose is not the goal. Becoming flexible is not the goal. Standing on your hands is not the goal. The goal is to create space where you were once stuck. To unveil the layers of protection you’ve built around your heart. To appreciate your body and become aware of the mind and the noise it creates. To make peace with who you are. The goal is to love, well… You. Come to your yoga mat to feel; not to accomplish. Shift your focus and your heart will grow. ”
Costa Rica, july 2017
I first came to yoga in 2015 when I had given up drinking, as I came to a place in my life where I realized it was no longer serving me or my higher good – I was most definitely not living my best life. It was a difficult transition and I knew I needed to find a practice of some kind to keep me grounded and help get into better shape.
What I found in yoga was so much more than that! I found a way to de-stress from the ups and downs of life, to quiet my monkey mind, to come to my mat with a humble heart and to just be and breathe. Yoga inspires me to live each moment more mindfully, both on and off my mat. Yoga has changed my life in every way possible. From the asana (poses) to the deep inquiry that helped me excavate so much of who I am deep down to the shift in perspective of how I find my place in the world both alone and with others. My level of compassion has grown and I have finally unveiled the empath in me that was buried so very deep.
Once I realized the intense passion I had for yoga, I decided I would take the plunge and become a certified yoga teacher. I went on to complete my Baptiste-inspired 200 hour yoga teacher training certification and I continue to look for new and interesting training's to expand my practice and my teaching level.
My hope is that you too will find some of the many beautiful, helpful and life-changing parts of yoga as well. I sincerely hope that I can help inspire you to live a bigger and brighter life too!
I may not be the most bendy or flexible yoga teacher out there, and honestly there are still many poses I have not yet mastered, but I bring a deep practice full of playfulness and fun with a dose of spiritual philosophy and invited introspection - for on and off your mat.
My favorite mantra that I love to share is the idea of "try easy". Not just in yoga, but in the way you live your life day-to-day. By trying easy, you free up space in your brain and in your life to not get mired down trying things the hard way - you just let go, take a deep breath and go for it. Get out of your own way - it really is that easy.
Come as you are with a beginner’s mind and expand your practice and have some fun while you are at it! Namaste.